
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Good News

wabby here! ok so i got good news i might be able to come back to cho on: November 3rd. because i almost have all D's in school and my mom said i can come back when i get all D's in school so thats great right? i think its Super Great! woot! lets hope for the best! well tommarow is Monday waaaaaaaaa -crys- well its like 10:00pm right now i must get some sleep because i wake up at 5:30am because school starts at 7:00am and my bus comes at 6:46am thats so early waaaaaaaaa -crys again- i hate school oh well Good Night i will try to post tommarow btw tommarow i might be getting my second D tommarow in school if that does happen that means i'll have 2 more classes to get D's in so i can come back to cho Yay! well lets hope for the best! Bye! Pease! Good Night! (or good morning if its morning where you live right now

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